简介:Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.
Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.展开
5.0 塞缪尔·杰克逊 约翰·大卫·华盛顿 丹妮尔·戴德怀勒 雷·费舍尔 科里·霍金斯 迈克尔·波茨 Skylar Smith 史蒂芬·詹姆士 埃丽卡·巴杜 Malik J Ali 查丽蒂·乔丹 Isaiah Gunn Matrell Smith 杰瑞卡·辛顿 盖尔·比恩 Hanniel Joseph 保莱塔·华盛顿 奥利维亚·华盛顿 Kylee D. Allen Deetta West